3 Quotes & Sayings By Christopher Gerard

Since he was a child, Christopher Gerard has been writing stories. He began writing fiction to entertain himself and later taught himself screenwriting and story editing. Since then he has written a wide variety of material, from bestselling novels to mysterious thrillers, to short stories. His short stories have been published in various print anthologies worldwide, as well as being featured on the BBC and online here at the authors website Read more

He currently lives with his wife and two children in northeast England, where he works as a freelance screenwriter.

A lot of the names in Talon reference other people or events. For example Amelia, the giant Eagle, was a “tip of my hat” to the extraordinary aviator Amelia Earhart. Both love(d) to fly! Christopher Gerard
Even if only one person’s respect for animals increases, then writing Talon would have been worthwhile. Christopher Gerard